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Dr. Natterson-Horowitz presents for AskNature, American Psychological Association, and more
In addition to Dr. Natterson-Horowitz’s Harvard Medical School course that ran this fall, Dr. Natterson-Horowitz was featured speaker and...

Internal Medicine Grand Rounds (UCLA)
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz delivered UCLA Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, "The Origins of Cardiac Sex Differences: Insights for Women's...

STAT interviews Dr. Natterson-Horowitz
Do animals hold the solutions to human illnesses? Learn more in Dr. Natterson-Horowitz’s Q&A with Nicholas St. Fleur for STAT .

Featured Speaker - Aspen Ideas: Health
Last week Dr. Natterson-Horowitz shared the stage at Aspen Ideas: Health with Dr. Jaime Modiano, Dr. Samuel Ramsey, and Nicholas St....

Aspen Ideas: Health to explore what animal health can teach us
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz will be a featured speaker at this month's Aspen Ideas: Health summit. She looks forward to engaging in...

ERA Congress welcomes Dr. Natterson-Horowitz as Plenary Speaker
Last week Dr. Natterson-Horowitz was a plenary speaker at the European Renal Association’s 2024 Congress. The ERA’s annual gathering is...

DER STANDARD features Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's species-spanning research
What can we learn from giraffes in the fight against heart disease? Find out in Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's recent interview with Klaus...

Breastfeeding Can Be Hard. Dairy Cows Can Help.
In her recent OpMed for Doximity, Dr. Natterson-Horowitz argues that breastfeeding women can learn a great deal from other mammalian...

Study shows inequality is not inevitable among mammals
UCLA Newsroom spotlighted Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's recent article, "Mechanisms of equality and inequality in mammalian societies."...

Medicine for a Changing Planet Case Studies Website is Live
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz is a member of the advisory committee for the newly-launched Medicine for a Changing Planet collection of case...

"Zoobiquity" included on Harvard University’s selection of science books for non-scientists
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz and Kathryn Bowers’ Zoobiquity was included on a list of Harvard faculty scientists’ favorite books for...

Circulation Heart Failure features research on cardiomyopathy across species
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's latest paper, written with Dr. Annika Linde, is available in Circulation: Heart Failure. "Cardiomyopathy Across...

LIVE SCIENCE investigates animal adolescence
"Do all animals go through adolescence?" That's the question Dr. Natterson-Horowitz considers with journalist Amanda Heidt from Live...

Dr. Natterson-Horowitz delivers UCLA biological sciences commencement address
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz was honored to deliver the commencement speech to UCLA’s biological sciences Class of 2023 graduates on June 18th....

New Zealand Geographic explores "The Teenage Animal"
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz and Kathryn Bowers' findings from Wildhood are spotlighted in this column for New Zealand Geographic Magazine's...

UCLA Health spotlights Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's species-spanning lens
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's species-spanning approach to health is spotlighted in this feature video by UCLA Health. Watch the video here.

FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE publishes Future of Evolutionary Medicine article
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's latest paper, "The future of evolutionary medicine: sparking innovation in biomedicine and public health," was...

NATURE spotlights the “Sisterhood of Species”
Nature magazine’s Nature Briefing newsletter salutes Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's recent Scientific American article and her studies of...

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN explores female health across the tree of life
Dr. Natterson-Horowitz's feature article in Scientific American underscores how studying connections among female animals across species...

Can biomimicry help us enhance human health? ASK NATURE.
Ask Nature showcases Dr. Natterson-Horowitz’s research on exploring nature for new ways to solve complex human problems. By applying...
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